Organization of international business missions. Business Innovation provides a comprehensive service for organizing business missions – business trips of companies to Russia and other countries for negotiations with local businesses.
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Первая консультация бесплатно! Цифровые эксперты помогают владельцам компаний и предпринимателям увеличивать прибыдь развивать продажи, организуют процессы экспорта импорта, увеличивают прибыль, оптимизируют издержки. Закажите медиа информационную поддержку, аналитику по рынкам и конкурентам, продвижение на внешние и мета рынки. Соберите, наймите международную команду экспертов, усиливайте бизнес естественным и искусственным интеллектом. Торгуйте со всем миром онлайн. Сделайте инвестиции в своё будущее. Изучите прайс-лист на услуги международных экспертов “Союзконсалт”.
*Информация о производимых и реализуемых товарах и услугах инфраструктуры OOO “Союзконсалт”, ИНН 7602068111, Директор Паладьев О.Н.
Who’s the service for
Companies wishing to find new partners and clients in Russia and neighboring countries;
- Companies striving to enter the international markets and expand their business boundaries.
The service includes
- You provide us with information about your company – area of activity, description of products / services, potential partners profile, presentation materials, as well as a list of countries in which you are interested to entering the market.
- We analyze the information and jointly determine the country (or countries) in which we will select business partners for You.
- We organize Your participation in the trip on a turnkey basis:
- Selection of partners for negotiations;
- Booking of plane tickets and hotel;
- Selection and rental of a conference room;
- Preparation of presentation materials (if necessary)
- Negotiations support, interpreting and translation services.
Individually: we carry out all needed communications with potential partners after the meetings and provide legal services at the conclusion of the contract.
The service result
We save Your time (all the work on organizing negotiations is done by our specialists) and conduct a professional selection of business partners for You.
As a result, Your company gets new clients and contracts.
International business mission
International business mission – a collective trip of representatives of enterprises planning to carry out export activities to foreign countries in order to establish business contacts with preliminary marketing and organizational preparation.
Participation in a business mission allows you to hold meetings and negotiations with foreign partners, government institutions, visit foreign companies.
International business mission includes:
- Selection and invitation of potential contractors for negotiations;
- Lease of a meeting room;
- Technical and linguistic support of negotiations;
- Transportation of participants at the venue of the business mission;
- Preparation of the necessary presentation and advertising materials.